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cafe-style coffee creations

5 Café-style Coffee Creations that You Can Make at Home. The Perfect Drink for Relaxation!

4 min

What do you do when you relax on the weekends? If you are a coffee lover, you most certainly will have a glass or a cup of delicious coffee in your hand. Whether it's enjoyed while reading a book, relaxing on the terrace, or hang out with family.

To perfect your relaxing time, try making coffee that is varied and different from before. Below are five café-style coffee recipes you can try at home. The ingredients used, the taste produced, and the sensations you get will vary. However, the main ingredient remains the same, namely NESCAFÉ coffee.

To save you from curiosity, read the collection of café coffee recipes below!


Also Read: Cafe-style Coffee Creations, The Perfect Drink For Friends Gathering Occasion!



NESCAFÉ Hazelnut Latte


Are you bored latte Are you bored with the same latte coffee recipe? Maybe you need a little twist to bring out a touch of new flavor. In this first recipe, we will discuss how to make café-style coffee with the addition of hazelnut, that are in the form of syrup or milk. Here's the complete recipe!


Ingredients needed::


● NESCAFÉ Classic            5 grams
● Hazelnut syrup      20 ml
● Hazelnut milk      250 ml
● Hazelnut milk      as needed   



Tools needed:


  • ● Shaker
  • ● Filter
  • ● Measuring cup
  • ● Kitchen scale


How to Make NESCAFÉ Hazelnut Latte:


  • 1. Add and mix all ingredients into a shaker
  • 2. Then, add ice cubes and shake vigorously. Continue until the surface of the shaker is foggy and cold
  • 3. Next, prepare a glass filled with ice cubes and pour the NESCAFÉ Hazelnut Latte which has been shaken until cold, into the glass using a strainer
  • 4. As decoration, add caramelized hazelnut on top
  • 5. A glass of NESCAFÉ Hazelnut Latte is ready to be served!



NESCAFÉ Crème Brûlée


You read that right crème brûlée is indeed a type of dessert. This recipe is called NESCAFÉ Crème Brûlée because the method for making the topping is almost the same, namely by burning sugar on the surface to trigger the caramelization process. Let's take a look at how!


Ingredients needed:


● Nestlé Coffee Mate                1 tbsp    
● NESCAFÉ Classic       2 tbsp 
● Caramel syrup        15 ml 
● Liquid whipping cream        120 ml   
● Palm sugar        15 ml 



How to Make NESCAFÉ Crème Brûlée:


  1. Prepare a cup of coffee
  2. Add NESCAFÉ Classic, Nestlé Coffee Mate, palm sugar and caramel syrup to it
  3. Stir until dissolved
  4. Caramel surface
    • ● Make milk foam by heating milk and beating it with a whisk
    • ● Move the milk foam and place it on the surface of the coffee
    • ● Sprinkle granulated sugar on top
    • ● Heat the back of the spoon until it changes color, and stick it in the granulated sugar until it caramelizes
  5. The luxury of crème brûlée coffee is ready to be enjoyed!



NESCAFÉ Iced Frappe


NESCAFÉ Iced Frappe came into existence quite serendipitously, thanks to a chance creation by Nestlé's own Dimitris Vakondios, an employee based in Greece. One afternoon, Vakondios wanted to drink NESCAFÉ Classic coffee like he usually does with hot water.


However, what was available at that time was cold water and a shaker, so Vakondios mixed coffee grounds and cold water in a shaker and this experiment gave birth to the NESCAFÉ Iced Frappe a café style coffee as we know it. Read below how to make it with ice cubes and sugar!


Ingredients needed:


● NESCAFÉ Classic                                     1 tbsp            
● Granulated or palm sugar (according to taste)      1 tbsp
● Mineral water      100 ml
● Ice cubes      As needed     


How to Make NESCAFÉ Iced Frappe:


  • ● Prepare a mixer or shaker
  • ● Add NESCAFÉ Classic, sugar and 100 ml of mineral water into a mixer or shaker.
  • ● Mix the ingredients until they become foam
  • ● Pour into a tall glass
  • ● Put enough ice cubes and the remaining mineral water into the glass.
  • ● NESCAFÉ Classic Ice Frappé Coffee is ready to be served!



NESCAFÉ Coffee Tropica


This café-style coffee recipe will be far from many people's comfort zone. Why, you may ask? NESCAFÉ Coffee Tropica blends fruit into a cold cup of coffee.


Alright, but, you don't need to worry because the sensation from this unique combination will take you to café’s all around the world, such as Bali, Hawaii, Bora-Bora, and other tropical vacation spots. Dare to try making this café coffee? Let's read the recipe first!


Syrup Ingredients:


● Vanila                                        1 stick      
● Water      200 ml
● Coconut sugar      200 grams
● Lime, sliced      1 piece


Drink Ingredients:


● Syrup                                            50 ml               
● NESCAFÉ Classic        5 grams
● Water        120 ml
● Pineapple juice, frozen        as needed
● Pineapple, sliced        as needed
● Jasmine flowers (optional)           as needed


Required Tools:


  • ● Ice cube tray (ice tray)
  • ● Bar spoons
  • ● Cooking torch
  • ● Measuring cup
  • ● Scales


How to Make NESCAFÉ Coffee Tropica:


  • 1. Prepare ice cubes by pouring pineapple juice into ice cube trays
  • 2. Then, store the tray in the freezer for several hours or until frozen
  • 3. After that, start preparing the syrup by adding the syrup ingredients to a pan and bring to a boil
  • 4. At the same time, mix NESCAFÉ Classic with 120 ml of water
  • 5. When the syrup is ready, pour it into a coffee glass and mix until smooth
  • 6. In a different glass, place ice cubes made from pineapple juice and pour the coffee and syrup mixture
  • 7. Place the pineapple pieces as decoration on top of the NESCAFÉ Coffee Tropica drink and burn with a cooking torch until it is caramelized
  • 8. You can also use jasmine flowers as decoration on top
  • 9. The freshness of NESCAFÉ Coffee Tropica is ready to be enjoyed!



NESCAFÉ Dalgona Coffee


If you are a K-Drama or Korean drama, enthusiast, there is a good chance that you understand what dalgona means to Korean people. Yes, dalgona is the name of a snack or street food in Korea that children often enjoy.


This drink only became popular when the WFH period started and was nicknamed Dalgona Coffee because of the appearance of the topping which is similar to dalgona candy. So, it has absolutely nothing to do with dalgona, guys!


Also Read: History of the emergence of the Dalgona Coffee recipe


As additional information, make sure to use NESCAFÉ Classic or Gold when making it because the topping can only be made with soluble, coffee, namely coffee that has gone through a special drying process. When shaken with a certain amount of water, the topping will appear!


Ingredients needed:


● NESCAFÉ Classic         2 tbsp       
● White sugar      2 tbsp
● Liquid milk      125 ml
● Ice cubes      1 glass


How to Make NESCAFÉ Dalgona Coffee:


  • ● Put NESCAFÉ Gold or Classic into a small bowl
  • ● Then, also add white sugar to it
  • ● Add just a little hot water, namely about 2 tablespoons
  • ● Beat until the topping expands
  • ● Then, prepare a separate glass and pour the milk into it
  • ● Add ice cubes to your heart's content!
  • ● Pour the topping you made previously onto the glass of milk
  • ● Your Dalgona coffee is ready ready to be tasted!


So, those are various café style coffee recipes you can try at home and use as a friend when relaxing. Well, the recipe is quite easy to do, right? In conclusion, you can make these various recipes easily with NESCAFÉ Gold or Classic two of our flagship coffees.


However, if you want to enjoy café coffee on the go or just about anywhere, don't hesitate to try the various new Ready to Drink coffees, which are available in can, packaging, such as NESCAFÉ Cappuccino, NESCAFÉ Caramel Macchiato, and NESCAFÉ Latte. Get all three at various merchant nearby merchants now. Enjoy!